- Contributed paper: Meta-regression Trees: Three innovations. At the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, July 18, Prague, Czech Republic. Slides presentation.
- Invited lecture (presenter Xinru Li): Multiple moderator meta-analysis with R-package metacart. At the International Convention Psychological Science, March 7-9, Paris, France.
- Contributed talk. A new approach to moderation in meta-analysis: Meta-CART. At the International Conference of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), July 21, Zürich, Switserland
- Contributed talk. Which combinations of behaviour change techniques are effective? Assessing interaction effects in meta-analysis. August 25, Aberdeen, Scotland. pdf
- Invited lecture. Meta-CART: Integrating Classification and Regression Trees into Meta-analysis. Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS), July 7, Bologna, Italy.
- Invited lecture. Clustering patients into subgroups differing in optimal treatment alternative: the method QUINT. Workshop on Classification and regression trees, March 20-26, Singapore. pdf
2013 (selection)
- Lecture in invited session. Topic of session: Personalized medicine by treatment-subgroup interaction. Title of presentation: QUINT: Qualitative Interaction Trees. IFCS 2013, Tilburg, July 17, 2013. pdf
- Contributed talk. Early detection of Specific Language Impairment using Developmental Language milestones. EUSUHM, London, June 27-29, 2013.
- Invited lecture, “Bijeenkomst Landelijk Netwerk Onderzoek Jeugd & Gezondheid”. Title: Subgroup analysis for Randomized Controlled Trials. January 21, Kontakt der Kontinenten, Soesterberg.
- Contributed talk. A new method for advanced subgroup analysis: QUINT. Limassol Cyprus, 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics, 27-31 Augustus 2012. 2012.
- Invited lecture. D-screening: eerder actie bij signaleren van ontwikkelingsachterstand. Bijeenkomst Adviescommissie Ontwikkelingsonderzoek. 1 nov 2012, NCJ, Utrecht.
- Invited lecture. D-score en pilot D-screening. Bijeenkomst Van Wiechen-instructeurs. 14 dec. 2012, Zwolle.
- Invited lecture, “VerdiePinGslunch Ministerie van VWS”. Title: Pilotstudie D-screening: Vroegtijdig signaleren van een vertraagde ontwikkeling door de jeugdarts. February 8, Ministery of Health Welfare and Sports, Den Haag.
- Invited lecture, “Academische Werkplaats Public health-Jeugd Noordelijk Zuid-Holland”. Title: D-screening: eerder actie bij signaleren van vertraagde ontwikkeling. March 31, TNO Gorter gebouw, Leiden
- Lecture, “Bijeenkomst van landelijke Commissie Ontwikkelings-onderzoek”. Title: D-screening: Eerder actie bij signaleren van vertraagde ontwikkeling. June 28, Nederlands Centrum voor Jeugdgezondheid (NCJ), Utrecht.
- Invited lecture, “Certificaatuitreiking Artsen Maatschappij en Gezondheid”. Title: D-screening: Eerder actie bij signaleren van vertraagde ontwikkeling. June 30, TNO
Gortergebouw, Leiden. - Invited lecture, “Symposium Vroegtijdige onderkenning: ketenzorg en diagnostiek (organisator M. Jongmans)”. Title: D-screening: eerder actie bij signaleren van ontwikkelingsachterstand. Congres Focus op Onderzoek, December 1-2, Utrecht
- Invited paper, “Session: Advances in software for tree models (organiser: Achim Zeileis)”. Title: TINT R-package for advanced subgroup analysis. December 18, The 4thInternational Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing & Statistics, Senate House, University of London, UK.
- Contibuted talk, “Jeugdgezondheidszorg en (Psycho-)Sociale Pediatrie (POAK Midden Nederland)”. Title: Screening in Development. January 11, Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis, Utrecht.
- Contibuted talk, Methodology-club “Maatschappelijke Gezondheids Zorg”, Erasmus MC. Title: D-Screening: screening for developmental disability. February 8, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam.
- Contributed talk, Lunchmeetings TNO Quality of Life. Title: Moderation en Mediation. March 11, TNO Quality of Life, Leiden.
- Contibuted talk, Quantitative Psychology and Individual Differences Research Group. Title: Treatment Interaction Trees: a tool to identify disordinal treatment-subgroup interactions. April 20, Faculty of Psychology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
- Contibuted talk, Spring meeting of VOC. Title: Treatment Interaction Trees: a tool to identify disordinal treatment-subgroup interactions. May 28, Erasmus University,
Rotterdam. - Contibuted talk, Department of Health promotion. Title: Response Conversion. July 13, TNO Quality of Life, Leiden.
- Short paper at 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2010). Title: Treatment Interaction Trees (TINT). Authors: Elise Dusseldorp en Iven van Mechelen. August 26, Paris, France
- Invited lecture, “Landelijke klankbordgroep Vroeg Voortdurend Integraal”. Title: Pilotstudy D-screening. December 2, VGN, Utrecht.
- Invited lecture, “Werkconferentie Vroeg Voortdurend Integraal, Regio Midden-Holland”. Title: Pilotstudie D-screening: screening van de ontwikkeling van het jonge kind door de jeugdarts. December 14, Zalencentrum De Brug, Reeuwijk.
- Invited paper, “Session: Recursive partitioning (organiser: Claudio Conversano)”. Title: Treatment Interaction Trees (TINT): a new tree-based method to identify treatment-subgroup interactions. December 20, The 3rd International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing & Statistics, Senate House, University of London, UK.
- Poster presentation, Dutch Epidemiology Conference: WEON, Early identification of children with developmental disability: Application of Item Response Theory and Bootstrapping, 11-12 June, de Meervaart, Amsterdam.
- Contributed talk, Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS), Treatment Interaction Trees, 13-18 March, Dresden, Germany.
- Contributed talk, Landelijk Netwerk Onderzoek Jeugd & Gezondheid, Early identification of children with developmental disability, 16-17 January, Kontakt der Kontinenten, Soesterberg.