
  • Li, X., Dusseldorp, E., Su, X., & Meulman, J. J. (2020). Multiple moderator meta-analysis using the R-package Meta-CART. Behavior Research Methods, 1-17. Article
  • Li, X., Dusseldorp, E., & Meulman, J. J. (2019). A flexible approach to identify interaction effects between moderators in meta‐analysis. Research Synthesis Methods10, 134–152. Article
  • Li, X., Dusseldorp, E., & Meulman, J. J. (2017). Meta-CART: A tool to identify interactions between moderators in meta-analysis. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 70(1), 118-136. Article
  • Conversano, C., & Dusseldorp, E. (2017). Modeling Threshold Interaction Effects Through the Logistic Classification Trunk. Journal of Classification, 1-28. Article
  • Hofstetter, H., Dusseldorp, E., Zeileis, A., & Schuller, A.A. (2016). Modeling caries experience: Advantages of the use of the hurdle model. Caries Research, 50(6), 517-526. Article
  • Dusseldorp, E., Doove, L., & Van Mechelen, I. (2016). Quint: An R package for the identification of subgroups of clients who differ in which treatment alternative is best for them. Behavior Research Methods48(2), 650-663. Article
  • Doove, L. L., Van Deun, K., Dusseldorp, E., & Van Mechelen, I. (2015). QUINT: A tool to detect qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions in randomized controlled trials. Psychotherapy Research, (ahead-of-print), 1-11. Article
  • Hofstetter, H., Dusseldorp, E., Van Empelen, P., & Paulussen, T.W. (2014). A primer on the use of cluster analysis or factor analysis to assess co-occurrence of risk behaviors. Preventive Medicine, 67(2), 141-146. Article
  • Dusseldorp, E., van Genugten, L., van Buuren, S., Verheijden, M. W., & van Empelen, P. (2014). Combinations of Techniques That Effectively Change Health Behavior: Evidence From Meta-CART Analysis.Health Psychology, 33 1530-1540. Article
  • Dusseldorp, E., & Van Mechelen, I. (2014). Qualitative interaction trees: a tool to identify qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions. Statistics in
    medicine, 33
    (2), 219-237. Article and Appendix.
  • Doove, L. L., Dusseldorp, E., Van Deun, K., & Van Mechelen, I. (2014). A comparison of five recursive partitioning methods to find person subgroups involved in meaningful treatment-subgroup interactions. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 1-23. Article
  • Doove, L. L., Van Buuren, S., & Dusseldorp, E. (2014). Recursive partitioning for missing data imputation in the presence of interaction effects. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 72, 92-104. Article
  • Dusseldorp, E., Conversano, C., & Van Os, B.J. (2010). Combining an additive and tree-based regression model simultaneously: STIMA. Journal of Computational and Graphical and Statistics, 19 (3), 514-530. DOI: 10.1198/jcgs.2010.06089, Article and Appendix.
  • Manisera, M., Van der Kooij, A. J., and Dusseldorp, E. (2010). Identifying the component structure of satisfaction scales by nonlinear principal components analysis. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 7 (2), 97-115. Article
  • Conversano, C. & Dusseldorp E. (2010). Simultaneous Threshold Interaction Detection in Binary Classification. Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Società Italiana di Statistica. Springer series on “Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization”, Francesco Palumbo, Carlo N Lauro, & Michael Greenacre (Eds.), XXII, pp. 225-232. ISBN: 978-3-642-03738-2.
  • Dusseldorp, E. & Meulman, J. J. (2004). The regression trunk approach to discover treatment covariate interaction. Psychometrika, 69, 355-374. Article
  • Dusseldorp, E. & Meulman, J. J. (2002). Application of data mining tools in the behavioral sciences. In J. Meij (Ed.), Dealing with the data flood: Mining data, text and multimedia (pp. 220-234). The Hague: Netherlands Study Center for Technology Trends (STT) / Beweton.
  • Dusseldorp, E. & Meulman, J. J. (2001). Prediction in medicine by integrating regression trees into regression analysis with optimal scaling. Methods of Information in Medicine, 40, 403-409. Abstract.
  • Dusseldorp, E. (2001). Discovering Treatment Covariate Interaction: An Integration of Regression Trees and Multiple Regression. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands. Contents. Short summary in Dutch.
  • Dusseldorp, E. (1996). The study of aptitude treatment interaction by nonlinear methods: Evaluation of a psychosocial treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Research report RR-96-03, Leiden: Department of Data Theory.

Behavioural and life sciences, and linguistics

  • Ter Avest, M. J., Dusseldorp, E., Huijbers, M. J., van Aalderen, J. R., Cladder-Micus, M. B., Spinhoven, P., … & Speckens, A. E. (2019). Added value of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: A tree-based qualitative interaction analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy122, 103467. Article
  • Van Luenen, S., Kraaij, V., Spinhoven, P., Dusseldorp, E., & Garnefski, N. (2019). Moderators of the effect of guided online self-help for people with HIV and depressive symptoms. AIDS care, 1-7. Article
  • Van Genugten, L., Dusseldorp, E., Massey, E. K., & van Empelen, P. (2017). Effective self-regulation change techniques to promote mental wellbeing among adolescents: a meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review, 11(1), 53-71. Article
  • Van Luenen, S., Garnefski, N., Spinhoven, P., Spaan, P., Dusseldorp, E., & Kraaij, V. (2017). The benefits of psychosocial interventions for mental health in people living with HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS and Behavior, 1-34. Article
  • Formanoy, M. A., Dusseldorp, E., Coffeng, J. K., Van Mechelen, I., Boot, C. R., Hendriksen, I. J., & Tak, E. C. (2016). Physical activity and relaxation in the work setting to reduce the need for recovery: what works for whom? BMC Public Health, 16(1), 866. Article
  • Van Genugten, L., Dusseldorp, E., Webb, T. L., & van Empelen, P. (2016). Which Combinations of Techniques and Modes of Delivery in Internet-Based Interventions Effectively Change Health Behavior? A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet research, 18(6), e155. Article
  • Diepeveen, F. B., Dusseldorp, E., Bol, G. W., Oudesluys-Murphy, A. M., & Verkerk, P. H. (2016). Failure to meet language milestones at two years of age is predictive of specific language impairment. Acta Paediatrica, 105, 304-310. Article
  • Diepeveen, F. B., Dusseldorp, E., Carmiggelt, E. C., Uilenburg, N., & Verkerk, P. H. (2016). De predictieve validiteit van de handreiking ‘Uniforme signalering van taalachterstanden’. JGZ Tijdschrift voor Jeugdgezondheidszorg, 48(2), 26-31. Article
  • Dusseldorp, E., Kamphuis, M., & Schuller, A. (2015). Impact of lifestyle factors on caries experience in three different age groups: 9, 15, and 21-year olds. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 43(1), 9-16. Article
  • Huijg, J. M., Dusseldorp, E., Gebhardt, W. A., Verheijden, M. W., van der Zouwe, N., Middelkoop, B. J., … & Crone, M. R. (2015). Factors associated with physical therapists’ implementation of physical activity interventions in the Netherlands. Physical Therapy, 95(4), 539-557. Article
  • Schreuder, E., van Heel, L., Goedhart, R., Dusseldorp, E., Schraagen, J. M., & Burdorf, A. (2015). Effects of Newly Designed Hospital Buildings on Staff Perceptions A Pre-Post Study to Validate Design Decisions. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 8(4), 77-97.
  • Kocken, P. L., van Kesteren, N., Buijs, G., Snel, J., & Dusseldorp, E. (2015). Students’ beliefs and behaviour regarding low-calorie beverages, sweets or snacks: are they affected by lessons on healthy food and by changes to school vending machines?. Public Health Nutrition, 18(09), 1545-1553. Article
  • Peters, L. W., ten Dam, G. T., Kocken, P. L., Buijs, G. J., Dusseldorp, E., & Paulussen, T. G. (2015). Effects of transfer-oriented curriculum on multiple behaviors in the Netherlands. Health Promotion International, 30(2), 291-309. Article
  • Mariska Klein Velderman, Elise Dusseldorp, Maroesjka van Nieuwenhuijzen, Marianne Junger, Theo G. W. M. Paulussen, Sijmen A. Reijneveld (2014). Cultural, social and intrapersonal factors associated with clusters of co-occurring health-related behaviours among adolescents. European Journal of Public Health, 1-6. Article
  • Dusseldorp, E., Klein Velderman, M., Paulussen, T. W., Junger, M., van Nieuwenhuijzen, M., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2014). Targets for Primary Prevention: Cultural, Social and Intrapersonal Factors Associated with Co-occurring Health-related Behaviours. Psychology & health. Article
  • Huijg, J. M., Gebhardt, W. A., Dusseldorp, E., Verheijden, M. W., van der Zouwe, N., Middelkoop, B. J., & Crone, M. R. (2014). Measuring determinants of implementation
    behavior: psychometric properties of a questionnaire based on the theoretical domains framework. Implementation Science, 9(1), 33. Article
  • Huijg, J. M., Gebhardt, W. A., Crone, M. R., Dusseldorp, E., & Presseau, J. (2014). Discriminant content validity of a theoretical domains framework questionnaire for
    use in implementation research. Implementation Science, 9(1), 11. Article
  • Duijster, D., Loveren, C., Dusseldorp, E., & Verrips, G. H. (2014). Modelling community, family, and individual determinants of childhood dental caries. European
    journal of oral sciences, 122
    (2), 125-133. Article
  • Diepeveen, F. B., Kroon, M. L., Dusseldorp, E., & Snik, A. F. (2013). Among perinatal factors, only the Apgar score is associated with specific language impairment.Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 55(7), 631-635. Article
  • Traversari, A. A. L., Goedhart, C. A., Dusseldorp, E., Bode, A., Keuning, F., Pelk, M. S. J., & Vos, M. C. (2013). Laying-up of sterile instruments in the operating theatre:
    equal or superior protection by using a horizontal unidirectional air flow system. Journal of Hospital Infection, 85(2), 125-133. Article
  • Henkemans, O. A. B., Dusseldorp, E. M., Keijsers, J. F., Kessens, J. M., Neerincx, M. A., & Otten, W. (2013). Validity and Reliability of the eHealth Analysis and Steering
    Instrument. Medicine 2.0, 2(2), e8. Article
  • Van der Schaaf, P. S., Dusseldorp, E. Keuning, F. M., Janssen, W. A., and Noorthoorn, E. O. (published online January 10, 2013). Impact of the physical environment of psychiatric wards on the use of seclusion. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 18.doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.118422. Article
  • Van Keulen, H.M., Otten, W., Ruiter, R.A.C., Fekkes, M., Van Steenbergen, J., Dusseldorp, E., and Paulussen T.W.G.M. (2013). Determinants of HPV vaccination intentions among Dutch girls and their mothers: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 13, 111. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-111. Link
  • Janssen V, Gucht de V, Dusseldorp E, Maes S. (published online, September 28 2012). Lifestyle modification programs for patients with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 1-21. Article
  • Verstegen, R. H. J., Van Gameren-Oosterom, H. B. M., Fekkes, M., Dusseldorp, E., De Vries, E. & Van Wouwe, J.P. (2012). Significant impact of recurrent respiratory tract infections in children with Down syndrome. Child: Care, Health and Development, 1-9. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2012.01413.x. Article
  • Kocken, P.L., Eeuwijk, J., Van Kesteren, N.M.C., Dusseldorp, E., Buijs, G., Bassa-Defesh, Z., and Snel, J. (2012). Promoting the purchase of low-calorie foods from school vending machines: a cluster-randomized controlled study. Journal of School Health, 82(3), 115-122. Article
  • Hopman-Rock, M., Dusseldorp, E., Chorus, A., Jacobusse, G., Rütten, A., Van Buuren, S. (2012). Response Conversion for improving comparability of international physical activity data. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 9, 29-38. Article / Figure 2 color / Figure 4 color
  • Schoone, M., Dusseldorp, E., Van den Akker-van Marle, M.E., Doornebosch, A.J., Bal, R., Meems, A., Oderwald, M.P., Van Balen, R. (2011). Stroke rehabilitation in frail elderly with the robotic training device ACRE. Journal of Robotics. Article ID 543060, DOI:10.1155/2011/543060. Article
  • De Zeeuw, E.L.E.J., Tak , E.C.P.M., Dusseldorp, E., Hendriksen, I.J.M. (2010). Workplace exercise intervention to prevent depression: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 3, 72-77. Article
  • Fleuren, M.A.H., Dusseldorp, E., Van den Bergh, S.A.M., Vlek, H.J.F.M., Wildschut, J., Van den Akker, M.E., Wijkel, D. (2010). The implementation of a shared care guideline on the management of the lumbosacral radicular syndrome: Effects on unnecessary referrals and diagnostic procedure. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. DOI: 10.1093/intqhc/mzq046. Article
  • Van Nuland, H., Dusseldorp, E., Martens, R., Boekaerts, M. (2010). Exploring the motivation jungle: Predicting classroom performance by investigating constructs from different motivation perspectives in tandem. International Journal of Psychology, 45 (4), 250-259. DOI: 10.1080/00207591003774493. Article
  • Schmid, M.S., and Dusseldorp, E. (2010). Quantitative analysis in a multivariate study of language attrition: The impact of extralinguistic factors. Second Language Research, 26 (1), 125-160. Article
  • Schmid, M.S., and Dusseldorp, E. (2010). Innovative and quantitative methods for bilingualism research. Editorial special issue. Second Language Research, 26 (1), 5-11. Article
  • Kraaij V., Van Emmerik A., Garnefski N., Schroevers M.J., Lo-Fo-Wong D., Van Empelen P., Dusseldorp E., Witlox R., Maes S. (2010). Effects of a cognitive behavioral self-help program and a computerized structured writing intervention on depressed mood for HIV-infected people: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling, 80, 200-204. Article
  • Van der Veek, P. J. , Dusseldorp, E., Van Rood, Y.R., and Masclee, A.A.M. (2010). Testing a biobehavioral model of irritable bowel syndrome. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 22 (4), 412-419. Article
  • Hafkamp-De Groen, E., Dusseldorp, E., Boere-Boonekamp, M.M., Jacobusse, G.W., Oudesluijs-Murphy, A.M., Verkerk, P.H. (2009). Relatie tussen het Van Wiechen Onderzoek (D-score) op 2 jaar en intelligentieniveau op 5 jaar. Tijdschrift voor Jeugdgezondheidszorg, 41 (1), 10-14. Article
  • Huisman, S., De Gucht, V., Dusseldorp, E., and Maes, S. (2009). The effect of weight reduction interventions for persons with Type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis from a self-regulation perspective’, Diabetes Educator, 35 (5), 818-835. Article
  • Blom, M.B.J., Jonker, K., Dusseldorp, E., Spinhoven, Ph., Hoencamp, E., Haffmans, J., Van Dyck, R. (2007). Combination treatment for acute depression is superior only when
    psychotherapy is added to medication. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 76, 289-297. Article
  • Dusseldorp, E., Spinhoven, Ph., Bakker, A., Van Dyck, R., & Van Balkom, A.J.L.M. (2007). Which panic disorder patients benefit from which treatment: Cognitive therapy or antidepressants? Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 76, 154-161. Article
  • Boersma, S.N., Maes, S., Joekes, K., & Dusseldorp, E. (2006). Goal processes in relation to goal attainment: Predicting health-related quality of life in myocardial infarction patients. Journal of Health Psychology, 11(6), 931-945. Article
  • Gebhardt, W.A., Kuyper, L., & Dusseldorp, E. (2006). Condom Use at First Intercourse with a New Partner in Female Adolescents and Young Adults: The Role of Cognitive Planning and Motives for Having Sex. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35, 217-223. Article
  • Van Dijk, M. R., Steyerberg, E. W., Stenning, S. P., Dusseldorp, E., & Habbema, J. D. F. (2004). Survival of patients with nonseminomatous germ cell cancer: A review of the IGCC classification by Cox regression and recursive partitioning. British Journal of Cancer, 90, 1176-1183. Article
  • Baele, J., Dusseldorp, E. & Maes, S. (2001). Condom use self-efficacy: Effect on intended and actual condom use in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 28, 421-431. Article
  • Brezinka, V., Maes, S., & Dusseldorp, E. (2001). Gender differences in psychological impairment after a coronary incident. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 127- 135. Article
  • Van Elderen, T. & Dusseldorp, E. (2001). Lifestyle effects of group health education for patients with coronary heart disease. Psychology and Health, 16, 327-341. Article.
  • Dusseldorp, E., Van Elderen, T., Maes, S., Meulman, J., & Kraaij, V. (1999). A meta-analysis of psychoeducational programs for coronary heart disease patients. Health Psychology, 18(5), 506-519. Article.
  • Chatrou, M., Maes, S., Dusseldorp, E., & Seegers, G. (1999). Effects of the Brabant smoking prevention programme: A replication of the Wisconsin programme. Psychology and Health, 14, 159-178.
  • Gebhardt, W.A., Dusseldorp, E., & Maes, S. (1999). Measuring transitions through stages of exercise: Application of latent transition analysis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 88, 1097-1106.
  • Van Elderen, T. Maes, S., & Dusseldorp, E. (1999). Coping with coronary heart disease: A longitudinal study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 47(2), 175-183. Article
  • Brezinka, V. Dusseldorp, E., & Maes, S. (1998). Gender differences in psychosocial profile at entry into cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 18, 445-449.